MioMio demonstrates Responsibility


Green Electricity

Mio Mio is produced with 100 % green electricity from hydropower. But we want to go even further: Mio Mio drives us, we are constantly working to improve our energy efficiency even more.


Our Mio Mio labels not only look dazzling, our colourful eye-catchers also have a lot going for them when it comes to sustainability: our label material is made from 100 % recycled fibres. This material has even been awarded the german Blauer Engel.

Glass Bottles

As you have no doubt noticed already, Mio Mio is only distributed in environmentally friendly glass bottles.


Furthermore, Mio Mio is vegan. Everything in our product, even the label adhesive, is made from 100 % non-animal ingredients. That is why Mio Mio is suitable for a vegan diet.

Made in Germany


Mio Mio is committed to social and ethical standards in production. We only produce our product in Germany and all our production facilities are SMETA-audited.

SMETA? What the heck is that? This acronym stands for “Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit”, which is one of the most widely used ethical audit formats in the world. Based on the four pillars of working conditions, ethical business practices, environmental protection, and health and safety, the audit covers all aspects of socially responsible business and ensures compliance with all relevant criteria. You can learn more about SMETA HERE.